Well Its Jan,6 2007
Besides writing here I am taking time to go over my entire hunting season
, Starting with the Archery hunt . Now is the time I believe to go Over your entire hunt & journal the season in full
. All the things that went right / wrong & the reasons possibly they went that way in general. I Usually Journal everyday
adding weather, winds, conditions overall how many deer I called or didnt call in. Seen or didn't see etc. Things I did or
did not do right , Also Things I may have done differently etc. Journaling everyday I believe is very Important as you
see I go back to my journals every year when I'm not seeing deer , I usually go back & am able to find a page that is
similar to the conditions I am hunting now to find out what I am or am doing or not doing right or what I did
then that worked & that I'm not doing the now, like weather conditions etc. , was I still hunting, spot
& stalking etc., was I in a stand / groundblind etc. etc. Also this is a good time to wash , repair any holes torn in
your clothes . I wash all my hunting colthes in baking soda & store them in Plastic bags until next season. Clean your
hunting equipment, Gun, Bows & accesseries, clean & oil my guns before putting them away , inspect & wax my Bow
string giving it any tune up it may need . I also recommend shooting your bow constantly not just days pryor to the season
as it keeps your upper body in good shape to shoot , I'm not saying go out & shoot 50 arrows a day but 3 or
4 a day will keep you in true form . I dont know about most hunters but I have about 60 lbs draw weight on my Pearson
Compound bow & let me tell you NOT shooting all summer puts me in alot of unneccessary pain!!! if I just start practicing
a couple weeks pryor to Bow Season. But shooting a couple arrows everyday I am able to stay sharp & in shape
to pull at will , Without hurting & wondering if my Bow is not on the mark & at peak performance. Practicing
just keeps you sharp all around. I Also go back & take any stands (Climbers) mostly down & sand and touch up the paint
on the ones that need it, as well I oil them where needed , this way the smell won't be there as strong next
season. I just can't believe the great weather we are having here in Western NY. It is Jan 6, 2007 & Folks I can hardly
tell you when the last time we had snow is. Normally unthinkable!!! this time of year, That will really help the various animals
survive this winter without a big winter kill. As the last couple years I had seen quite a few deer I found dead while out
hunting small game & looking for shed antlers, That didn't survive the long harsh winters, with deep snow & frozen
ground most all winter with really no break in the snow & cold etc. And most of the deer I found were younger doe's yearling
deer that I believe just didn't have the stamina & size that the older deer have , to be able to reach higher
trees etc, & without their food sources they go downhill fairly qwik become weak & sometimes fall prey to cyotes
etc . This year they have not had that problem at all in fact I seen night crawlers out in my parking lot yestarday lol!! it
was around 58 degrees out. So I believe barring a nightmare storm, the deer herd along with all species who fight the harsh
winter conditions here in NY.will be in great shape for the comming year. I will be out looking all month for shed antlers . It
helps take some of the post season boredom away & keeps me in pretty good shape. So Until Next Time May You Have A Great Safe Hunt!!!
And May You Bag the Deer
of A Lifetime !!!
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Remember!!! Practice Practice And Keep A Journal!!! | |