Folks I want to make a point here rattling Bucks can be
done all through the year. With some times better than others.
My Point being, If You practice before just going out banging away in
hopes that monster will come !! Don't Waste your time. Just go out during the summer & try rattling .
Keeping in mind you should keep your rattling sequences between 20 to 30 seconds in length !! Remember: Deer are very curious
animals & will react differently at different times of the year. Practicing a technique that seems to work better than
others should be put in your journal & recorded in your mind, for use later on during deer season. (Especially During
pre- rut to The Actual Rut). Though its not an absolute guarantee & Nothing About Deer Hunting ever is . You will
NOT take monsters time after time. But, keep in mind Sometimes You have absolutely Nothing to lose by trying this
So Give it a try. But again Practice alot before season begins
& stick with a pattern that seems to work more often than
not!! Rattling & Calling is alway's a learning experience it is NO SURE-FIRE Guarantee. But can be added as a tool
to help. In Our Never Ending Quest For The Whitetail Deer .
So Until Next
Time May You Have A Great!
Safe Hunt! And May You Bag The Deer
A Lifetime!!!!!!!!!!
Please: Pray For Our Troops & Their Families, Here
& Abroad!!! Prayer: Dear Lord Please Bless , Guide & Protect Our Troops For The Selfless Acts They
Perform For Our Great Country !!! AMEN.
If you can't stand behind them!!! Then feel free to stand
in Front of Them!!!

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To Add The Amber Alert To Your Website GOD Forbid this could be our kids or ,Friends kids , relatives etc.. Its
Just A Great Thing To Do For The Saftey Of All GOD's Children!!! Just click the ticker below to get started
Thank You & GOD Bless You !!!!!
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