Folks that was a hunt in Robby's own words. Myself &
Brothers /his Dad Bob sr. could not have been more excited or Proud of Bobby jr. that day I'm quite sure he will
Never forget that Special Day as long as he hunts. I am so glad we all were able to experience it together & look foward
to many more successful hunts together through the comming years.
So Until Next Time Have A Great Safe Hunt
And May You Bag The Deer Of A Lifetime!!! |
Please: Pray For Our Troops & Their Families, Here
& Abroad!!! Prayer: Dear Lord Please Bless , Guide & Protect Our Troops For The Selfless Acts They
Perform For Our Great Country !!! AMEN.
If you can't stand behind them!!! Then feel free to stand
in Front of Them!!!

I Would Urge All Webmasters & Website Owners!!!
To Add The Amber Alert To Your Website GOD Forbid this could be our kids or ,Friends kids , relatives etc.. Its
Just A Great Thing To Do For The Saftey Of All GOD's Children!!! Just click the ticker below to get started
Thank You & GOD Bless You !!!!!
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