Jeremy With His First Squirrel |
Jeremy After Another Squirrel Hunt!!! |
Many youngsters learn to hunt by hunting squirrels first.
And what a great start. They are usually plentiful, and the youngster can learn from squirrel hunting how to stalk, move quietly,
and slowly, and how to make the first shot count. These skills come in handy later when hunting big game (Deer) etc. . As
a young boy I had on many occassions had the opportunity to tag along with my Older Brother Bob who loved hunting & squirrel
hunting. He did as my Father did with him as a youngster took & taught me the art of squirrel hunting. Though back
then I wasn't aware how important that learning how to become a good squirrel hunter would play such a significate roll
later on in years as a Deer hunter.
I am Very greatful to my brother Bob for all the times he took me down
to Star farm rd. in a town called Burlington located in my home State of Vermont. I now am I believe a better Deer hunter
because he took the time to teach me. And I learned to hunt the way I believe all young up & comming
big game hunters should be taught. Squirrels
eat a variety of foods, but usually during August-October, they are feeding heavily on hickory nuts, acorns, beechnuts etc.
. I have also seen them eat corn, poplar, pine, etc. Some folks hunt squirrels by scouting for an abundance of
the food sources I mentioned earlier, then waiting patiently for the squirrels to come. I am just one of many
other hunters who move through the woods silently , looking for movement and feeding activity. I also enjoy hunting with
a friend or my Son Jeremy its an awesome way to learn the skills needed later on in Big game hunting strategies. Frequently
while hunting, it's common to see a squirrel chasing another one around and around a food tree, squealing & making
all kinds of commotion as they go. One day this past fall I was watching an Oak tree that had a couple of squirrels
feeding in it!! very quietly & with as little movement as possible when a sudden squeal alerted my attention to a large pine tree where a grey had been
watching me I quickly raised my Springfield-m6 - scout .22 / 410 over & under and shot him. He quickly fell
out of the tree & laid still , I later collected him but not before taking 4 more squirrels to go with him which
combined made for an awesome dinner later that eve. So if your Child is considering Big game hunting one day
You would be giving him a great head start by letting him / her tag along on some of your squirrel hunts you'll
be glad you did then later on in years you will be able to enjoy the hunt & the rest will come with experience .
They'll be much more prepared, I believe when Big game comes along. Not To Mention The Great Quality Time Your Spending
& Enjoying Together. !!!
Until Next Time Have A Great Safe Hunt
!!!And Enjoy The Great Outdoors!!!
!!!And All It Has To Offer!!!
In the Past 10 Years Or So These Angora's |
Have Become Very Abundan't Around These Parts A Beautiful Animal!! |
Such A Beautiful & Rare Site In The Wild!!!!! |
Though Myself & Most My Neighbors Don't Shoot Whites Or Blacks!! |
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