Jeremy becomes of age In a couple of years
& will be able to big game hunt with his Dad. I was fortunate enough to have a Mom & Dad, who
cared enough for all my sisters & brothers to take all 8 of us out when we were young kids. To instill the great outdoors
and all it is & has become to us since . Be it camping , fishing , hunting, photography, music,. Along
with continuing it for many years with my brothers Bob & George as we got older I was so Blessed and forever
Greatful to have had a family who cared so Deeply about one another & we supported one another in
all we did. We shared so many wonderful times through the years. Though I have since lost my Mom & Dad, as well as
Two Sisters & My Oldest brother ED (May They Rest In Peace) I as a Father Myself now am so excited about now
having the opportunity of passing all these wonderful things along to my own Son now. And that being All what
the Great Outdoors has to offer, as opposed to him beating the streets, gangs, drugs, etc. etc. 24/7 computers
& games etc. . My wish is that all kids from all walks of life be afforded the same opportunity as was I & then
being able to continue passing it along to their kids one day, As I am now with my son Jeremy. Teaching our youngsters
that there are more things to life besides, computer games, playstations , x-box , etc. etc , will insure the continuation
of the endless Outdoor opportunities , for Many Generations to come.
So folks always try & Include your kids &
have as many fun Outdoor experiences you can. It Can & WILL make a Difference that will last their Lifetimes And Beyond!!!
I Will be adding some various Tips
in the comming pages
Hope You come back
& visit often .
Until then May GOD Bless !!!
